Delft, May 15, 2020 – ISIS – Innovative Solutions In Space (ISISpace) announces today the signature of a contract agreement with the European Space Agency (ESA) to provide an In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) and In-Orbit Verification (IOV) service in space, as part of a Horizon 2020 funded activity to strengthen the competitiveness of the EU space industry. The European Commission has baselined a number of novel technology experiments for demonstration in low earth orbit. ISISpace is pleased to be selected by ESA to implement this activity by accommodating these experiments onboard two 6-Unit CubeSat platforms and to provide the experiment operations after launch.

“In-orbit testing of novel technologies is key for the rapid adoption into space programs and for these technologies to cross the so-called ‘technology-valley-of-death’, and it is great to see ESA to implement an IOD/IOV program entrusted and funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, in an effort to strengthen the innovation in the European Space sector. We are honored to have been selected as an important partner by ESA and the European Commission to provide this in-orbit testing ‘as-a-service’, something that fits well with both our long standing heritage in implementing experimental CubeSat technologies in cost-effective missions, as well as with our new offering of small-satellites-as-a-service for our customers”, said ISISpace CEO, Jeroen Rotteveel.
About ISISpace
Located in Delft, The Netherlands, ISIS – Innovative Solutions In Space (ISISpace) is one of the leading companies in the small satellite market. Founded in 2006, the company operates globally and serves customers worldwide in accomplishing their space missions and applications. ISISpace designs and delivers small satellite platforms, for single missions and constellations, either standardized or optimized in performance and size tailored to the mission needs. For more information about ISISpace, please contact us through or visit the website at
Disclaimer: This document was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union or the European Space Agency.